IMM – Delicious

June 9, 2009 at 12:25 pm (IMM/GUI)

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IMM Assignment Part 2

June 1, 2009 at 3:31 am (IMM/GUI)

Basically, this is my experience during a jamming with a band. We have to be observant and listen to one another. There is interaction between the musicians and the lead singer. Musicians have to look at the lead singer when he wants to repeat the chords or wants to end the song. The musicians portray our emotions out through the instruments for people to listen. The whole team also consists not just the singers and musicians but also the sound team. They have to listen to our sound and bring out the important parts of the sound out.

It is a good experience as there are fun and laughter and we enjoy ourselves. It is something that is memorable. There are times of surprise and laughter when one’s instrument mess up the sound suddenly. As this is also our first time working with the main singer in this experience, we also learn a lot from him.

Keywords of good experience : memorable, anticipation, fulfilling, satisfaction, refreshment, enjoyment

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